Hello BuddyPress contributors!

If you haven’t tested our 3 previous beta releases, here’s a fresh opportunity to join the 28 contributors who helped build 12.0.0 so far. Whether you’re a new, regular or advanced user, a theme designer or a plugin author: we really need you to beta test our next major release, please contribute!

12.0.0 will introduce the BP Rewrites API overhauling the way that BuddyPress builds and parses URLs as well as a new community visibility feature. Learn more about these changes by reading the beta1 announcement post.

What’s new since beta3?

We’ve fixed a dozen bugs and added new developer documentation pages explaining important changes introduced in 12.0.0:

We also updated the 12.0.0 release schedule and delayed it a bit to make it as great as possible. It’s now slated to be released December 6. Please, help us meet this new deadline by testing 12.0.0 as thoroughly as possible 🙏.

You can test BuddyPress 12.0.0-beta4 in 4 ways :

If you find something weird, please report it on BuddyPress Trac, post a reply to this support topic or get in touch with us on our WordPress.org Slack channel.

Thanks in advance for your contributions 🤝













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