March 7, 2022

Welcome to 2022!

In last year’s Cybersecurity Conversations Report, we discussed what the massive digital transformation resulting from 2020 meant for enterprise cybersecurity. We encouraged enterprises to prepare for the post-COVID paradigm shift by prioritizing:

  •   “COVID” Testing Your Devices
  •   Refreshing Emergency Preparedness Plans
  •   Reprioritizing Scanning and Testing Programs

Last year I went on record predicting 2021 to be the most profound year in cybersecurity history. This proved absolutely true – but not necessarily in all the ways we expected.

In last year’s report, we predicted a mass move back to the office. What we learned instead is that we will likely never return to the physical perimeters of the office as we knew them in the past. While some companies started the transition back to the office, most realized that a hybrid of remote and in-person work is here to stay. This fluid dynamic presents a particularly complex challenge for enterprise security teams that will need to be addressed with a combination of legacy and innovative methods.

What we did see come to fruition in 2021 was an unprecedented increase in frequency and sophistication of cyber-attacks. Ransomware was more pervasive and more disastrous than ever before. We witnessed attacks impacting critical infrastructure, enterprises, and individuals alike. But while there was a lot of attention and fear surrounding cybersecurity, the events of 2021 resulted in some really encouraging moments in our industry as well. Government support for programs and regulations that aim to prevent and intervene in cyber-attacks is at an all-time high. CISOs and infosec professionals are finally getting a seat at the table at an executive and board level. We’re even starting to see programs educating kids about the importance of cybersecurity – nurturing interest and awareness at an early age. These are all reasons to feel very hopeful and excited for the future of our industry!

That being said, there’s a lot of work to be done. If we’ve learned anything in the past two years, it’s that waiting for things to return to normal simply isn’t feasible – because they likely never will. The new normal in cybersecurity is one that demands resiliency and the ability to rapidly pivot and adapt. We must learn to be effective and productive in the chaos.

We can no longer continue “just getting by”. This means learning to embrace the chaos rather than pushing against it. Everything has changed – and while that notion can be scary, it also brings with it a huge amount of opportunity ! Never before has cybersecurity been so prominent on the world stage. People outside of our industry are finally understanding the importance of cybersecurity – and the consequences of neglecting it. Now is the time – while the whole world is sitting up and listening – to build your enterprise cybersecurity into an effective, resilient program that not only secures your company, but drives business.

Speaking of big changes and big opportunities – the recent merger between Herjavec Group and Fishtech Group has resulted in a roster of best-in-class talent and service offerings that I couldn’t be more excited about. Our combined organization brings together world-class talent and extensive expertise. As the new security solutions powerhouse, we are perfectly positioned to take on the cyber challenges of 2022 and beyond. For this report, we surveyed our executive team for their unique insights into how enterprise leaders should adapt their cybersecurity programs to address the threat landscape ahead.

This year, our Cybersecurity Conversations Report is dedicated to the conversations we recommend having with your executive teams in order to build cyber resiliency for the evolving threat landscape:

  •   Adapt your program to embrace the constant change
  •   Investing wisely in your cybersecurity program
  •   Taking a security-oriented approach to your business

2021 may not have been the year we expected, but the events of the past year have left reason to be hopeful. With great change comes great opportunity. I’ve seen our cyber community come together and bolster each other in ways we never could have imagined. I’m grateful to be part of an industry that serves such a profound and growing purpose and I can’t wait for what’s ahead.

Download your copy of the 2022 Cybersecurity Conversations Report to learn more about how you can build a resilient enterprise cybersecurity program to address the challenges ahead. 

Here’s to a (cyber) safe 2022…

Let’s keep the conversation going.

To Your Success,

Robert Herjavec's Signature

Robert Herjavec's Signature

To learn more about how our team is advancing the security profiles of enterprise organizations around the world, click here.

I’ve been in infosec for over 30 years and have had the great privilege of evolving and learning as a cybersecurity executive in a space I love. I’m the Founder & CEO of Herjavec Group, one of the world’s most innovative cybersecurity operations leaders. We pride ourselves on keeping enterprises around the world secure from the threat of cybercrime.

This blog has been set up to help me share the insights I’ve gained and experiences I’ve had with all of you…Every month I will post some advice and recommendations for my fellow Cyber CEOs – from current events to forecasted trends, and enterprise security best practices. Make sure to subscribe below and feel free to reach out here with the topics and questions you’d like to see covered!

Let’s collaborate and communicate as we strive to keep our organizations (cyber) safe.


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